Weight loss: Woman loses over 10 stone in 10 months using this simple diet plan – Express

A weight-loss journey could be inspired by many different reasons, after trying “every diet out there” one woman lost an incredible 10 stone one pound, and credited her weight loss to a simple dieting plan – what was it

Holly Hague, 28, from Sheffield struggled with her weight for most of her life and would regularly binge on snacks such as crisps, biscuits, chocolates and sugary treats before overhauling her diet and dropping the weight.

Holly said: “I spent my childhood being chunkier than others in my class and far too many years comfort eating to drown out the mean remarks.”

Holly struggled with her weight and revealed being a dress size 26 was not always easy, but once she embarked on this simple diet plan, she managed to slim down to a much healthier size 10.

Holly credits her incredible 10 stone one pound weight loss to the simple LighterLife Total Plan.

What is the LighterLife Programme?

LighterLife is campaigning to help people live healthier and more fulfilled lives by boosting confidence, self-esteem and belief.

The LighterLife weight loss plans combine a very low-calorie diet (VLCD) with weekly counselling.

With LighterLife dieter get access to meal-replacement food packs – consisting of shakes, soups, mousses or bars – and no conventional food.

Holly said: “The LighterLife Total Plan was perfect for me because it took food out of the equation; I didn’t have to obsess or worry over the number of calories or if I’d unknowingly eaten the wrong thing.

“Each day I’d have four products which were around 800 kcal: breakfast was a Vanilla Shake with coffee, Chocolate Raisin Bar for lunch, followed by a Chicken Noodle FastPot for dinner and a Toffee Bar.

“In our group sessions each week we focus on a new topic which uses cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to challenge our thinking and attitudes towards eating.

“Since losing almost 10st I feel like a totally different person both physically and mentally,” she added.

At the beginning of her weight loss journey Holly weighed 21 stone five pounds before dropping to a much healthier 11 stone four pound.

But with weekly support from a LighterLife weight loss counsellor and a variety of weekly Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Mindfulness activities, Holly was able to overhaul her lifestyle and bad eating habits.

Holly said: “I grew up having social anxiety because of my weight, I constantly felt ugly and that everyone was staring at me because of my size.

“But now, a size 10, I’m embracing the stares because I’m so proud of what I’ve achieved in ten months. People can’t believe it’s me!”

Holly isn’t the only slimmer who lost weight using the LighterLife Total Plan.

A married couple, Mark, 51, and Helen Crisp, 57, embraced a weight loss journey together in 2019, and since following the LighterLife Total Plan the couple managed to collectively lose an impressive 6st 12lbs.

Mark chose to join the LighterLife Total Plan after his wife, Helen, started seeing rapid weight loss success since joining the programme.

Both have achieved great success spurred on by a competitive streak that saw each week becoming a friendly yet serious challenge.

Helen said: “After years of serious health issues, culminating in a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery in 2013, I knew I had to take back control of something in my life and that was my increasing weight.

“For years I had started to comfort eat; partly out of how angry I was with the breast cancer daring to enter my body and partly because the treatment made me feel sick and zapped my energy so all I could face eating was unhealthy readymade foods.”

When she came across the LighterLife diet plan, she realised it was simple to use and effective.

“The plan was simple to follow, and I loved the meals, a particular favourite being the Thai noodle pot. The weekly CBT group was really inspiring,” she said

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