Weight Loss: Follow THESE tips that are backed by research to shed extra kilos – PINKVILLA

There is a lot of misinformation on the web on weight loss. And that’s why follow weight loss tips that are backed by research.

easy weight loss,Health & FitnessWeight Loss: Follow THESE tips that are backed by research to shed extra kilos

Weight loss tips, easy ways to lose weight and similar things are searched on the web almost every day. There are so many articles, videos and content on the net which can make anyone overwhelmed. What to follow and which is healthy or which diet will be helpful are some questions that still loom even after searching and reading about it for days.

Many fall for myths and tips which are not backed by science. And instead of helping you the same can backfire, today we have compiled 5 top tips which are actually research-based. So, we know common thumb rules for weight loss that is healthy meals, physical activity, not skipping meals, calorie deficit among others.  And that’s why we are covering lesser-known weight loss tips today. Read on to know more.

1. Use smaller plates

You must be thinking how can smaller plates lead to weight loss. Let me tell you that portion control is a smart way to lose weight. And it is proved by several studies. As per a  study which was published in the journal Obesity Science and Practice, the size of plates used for eating can have a very big impact on food intake and satiety in people. So, if you want to lose some extra kilos, start eating in smaller plates. One should note that people who are overweight and obese won’t get that much benefit from this weight loss tip.

2. Get daily recommended intake of Vitamin D

Not having the right amount of vitamin D or being Vit D deficiency can make your weight loss struggle harder.As per the 2014 study, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that women who got their Vitamin D requirements lost around 3 kgs of weight as compared to women who fail to get their recommended dosage of Vitamin D. So, make sure to get up early to get some sunshine which is required to create Vit D and also include Vit D rich foods such as fatty fish, cheese, egg yolks and fortified foods. As per nih.gov, Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for Vitamin D are as follows:14–50 years (males and females) is 15 mcg.

3. Walk after having meals

Do you sit and get back to work or anything else after lunch or dinner? Instead, go for a walk as the same can help you to lose weight. According to a 2011 study in the International Journal of General Medicine revealed that walking just after a meal is effective. As glucose increases to its maximum at 30–60 minutes after a meal, walking right after a meal suppresses the blood sugar raise. This leads to the lesser secretion of insulin and less storage of internal fat.

4. Cook your own meals

You have tried your best still unable to lose weight, maybe what you are eating could be the reason.  As per a 2005 study, which was published in the Journal the Lancet, people who frequently visit restaurants more than twice a week gained around 4.5 kgs more and had more insulin resistance than those who ate home food. 

So, make sure you cook your own meals and prepare home-cooked food when you are traveling. Researchers from John Hopkins University found that cooking own meals leads to lesser eating too. Also, those who confused home-cooked meals more than five times per week were 28% less likely to have overweight BMI and 24% less likely to have excess percentage body fat in comparison to those who ate home-cooked food less than three times per week.

5. Start having salads before your main meals 

Instead of directly eating your meals or soup, add salad as a starter. Most of us hardly eat salad or eat while having an actual meal. However, if you want to shed a stone or two, have a bowl of salad first and then your meal. Why? As per the 2013 study which was published in the Appetite journal, eating low-energy-dense foods such as salads before a meal will naturally lead to less caloric intake. The high amounts of fiber that is there in salad promote satiety and keep overeating at bay. So, start having a platter of salad and soon you may witness weight loss as you desired.

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