Sonus Complete Reviews: Does It Work? [Updated 2020] – Riverfront Times

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Tinnitus is a very common problem, experienced by over 50 million Americans every year, which is about 15% of the population. Although Tinnitus is hardly a life-threatening condition, the constant barrage of phantom noise in your ear can be distressing for some people, especially given there’s no actual cure.

However, many people turn to the internet to find ways to help manage their Tinnitus and make living with it a little easier. The constant stream of noise that isn’t really there can be seriously damaging to your mental health.

Sonus Complete is one such treatment that exists to help try to make life with tinnitus a little more manageable and this review will go over it all. We’re going to take you through the basics of the brand to help you get a feel for whether or not this is the right product for you.

Who Should Use Sonus Complete?

Sonus Complete is aimed at those suffering from tinnitus, the long-term condition caused by hearing loss. Tinnitus usually occurs due to trauma or nerve damage to the ear, and given how sensitive the ears are, it’s no wonder it’s such a common issue.

While Sonus Complete isn’t technically a cure, it can help alleviate some of the common symptoms with tinnitus. There are other options for treatment available, like surgery or pills, but these aren’t always popular for a number of reasons.

Surgeries can be invasive and daunting for people suffering from tinnitus. There’s also no guarantee that a potentially invasive surgery will work, which means you could be paying out a lot of money for something that doesn’t work.

And pills can be expensive and have side effects. Sonus Complete provides an all-natural alternative to these remedies.

Click here to Check out Sonus Complete on their Official Website.

Sonus Complete Overview

Sonus Complete is the product of Gregory Peters. Peters actually began developing this product because he, like many of us, had suffered from tinnitus for years.

He was looking for a remedy to help alleviate some of those uncomfortable symptoms and decided to begin developing Sonus Complete.

Pro & Cons of Sonus Complete Based on Reviews

When taking any kind of dietary supplement to try and treat a medical condition, it’s important that you’re able to make an informed choice about the product. To give you a helping hand, we’ve broken down Sonus Complete into a list of pros and cons.


  • All-natural ingredients
    – Rather than flooding your boy full of potential toxins, this product is made from 100% natural ingredients.
  • No recovery period/risks that you’ll have from surgery
    – Surgeries can have a whole host of risks or complications, but because this is a dietary supplement, it doesn’t carry any of those same risks.
  • It’s easy to use
    – Taken in the form of a handy dietary supplement, this is an easy product to use


  • Not backed up by scientific studies
    – Unfortunately, there have been no scientific studies conducted to back up the claims made.
    – However, you can instead look at customer testimonials to help make up your mind.
  • Only available online
    – There are only limited options available to purchase Sonus Complete – you can’t buy it in-store, and you can only buy it from their official website.

Ingredients in Sonus Complete

When taking any dietary supplement – especially one that is supposed to help with a long-term medical condition – you need to know exactly what you’re putting into your body.

A comprehensive look at the ingredient list of any product is the best way to tell whether or not it will work for you. An ingredient list is also the best way to know if you’re likely to suffer from any adverse side effects, too.

So, let’s take you through the ingredient list:

Blend of Vitamins (C, B6, B12)

  • This helpful blend of vitamins is fantastic, not just for your tinnitus but also for your overall health!
  • These vitamins help boost your immune system, which will help protect you from any future infections that could damage your hearing.

Buchu Leaves

  • If you haven’t heard of this product before, we’ll take you through why it’s so useful.
  • Buchu leaves are a useful herbal medicine that has been used for years for a variety of reasons.
  • One of the very useful effects of this handy supplement is that it has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Inflammation can be one of the significant causes of hearing problems, and when left unthreatened, this may lead to tinnitus.
  • Treating inflammation early on is an excellent way to reduce your risk of serious complications in the future.
  • After all, they do say that prevention is the best cure!

Folic Acid

  • You’ve probably heard of folic acid before as an ingredient in supplements
  • That’s because of how necessarily folic acid is!
  • Folic acid is the man-made version of vitamin B9
  • A deficiency in this vitamin can actually be quite dangerous – not getting enough of it can lead to early hearing loss, which can then lead to tinnitus.
  • Supplementing your diet with folic acid can help to prevent premature hearing loss.


  • It is another great ingredient to benefit your overall health.
  • Garlic has been found to be particularly beneficial to having a healthy heart.
  • Although garlic hasn’t been shown to have a lot of good effects on your hearing, it does help to contribute to your overall health!

Green Tea

  • Green tea extract has a whole host of benefits to boost your overall bodily health. It’s known as a superfood for a reason, after all!
  • Green tea extract can help to boost your immune system, the health of your heart, and even your metabolism!

Hawthorn Berry

  • More studies need to be done into the benefits of this berry
  • However, early evidence suggests a whole host of potential benefits
  • It includes a potential for having some anti-inflammatory properties, which as we discussed above, is excellent for preventing early hearing loss

Juniper Berry

  • Juniper Berry extract has been shown to be a useful ingredient into supplements due to its antioxidant effects
  • Antioxidants are great for promoting overall health, but juniper berry is also shown to have some anti-inflammatory properties, which we’ve talked about in detail already


  • Niacin is widely recognized as an effective treatment for tinnitus by specialists
  • Several studies have shown that using Niacin treatment to help relieve the symptoms of tinnitus has worked
  • Even better, Niacin treatment has been shown to have long term benefits and relief from their tinnitus!

Uva Ursi

  • The final ingredient on this list is another one that has been shown to help fight inflammation.

Click here to See the Full List of Ingredients on the Official Website.

How Does Sonus Complete Work?

With that impressive list of ingredients that we’ve just covered, you may be wondering how this all comes together. How, you may be wondering, does this help you?

Because tinnitus is a complicated condition with no verifiable cure, Sonus Complete won’t be able to get rid of it permanently.

Instead, the ingredients work to target some of the reasons you may be suffering from hearing loss or hearing damage. These are the primary reasons people suffer from tinnitus, so targeting them helps to relieve your tinnitus symptoms.

The natural ingredients work to target common issues that people with tinnitus face, which might lead to hearing problems. In particular, those who suffer from tinnitus may have inflammation of the ear, which can lead to hearing loss.

The multiple anti-inflammatory ingredients in this supplement help to reduce that inflammation. That reduction may help your hearing loss and your tinnitus in the long run.

What Are the Benefits of Using Sonus Complete?

All Natural
Unlike some other supplements or medications on the market right now, this product is made from completely natural, organic ingredients.

It means that you’re less likely to suffer from any of the adverse side effects you might experience from using potentially toxic medications.

Also, if you’re someone who’s considered surgery in the past, this might be a good option for you. Surgeries can be very expensive and potentially invasive and uncomfortable.

No-one enjoys a long hospital visit, particularly given that you’ll then have to deal with the recovery period afterward.

What’s worse is that all surgeries carry risks. Particularly if you’re going in for surgery on an area as sensitive as the ears, the potential for risks is increased dramatically.

You may end up suffering from the after-effects of surgery or even have complications that worsen your hearing rather than improve it.

Targets Inflammation
Many of the ingredients have anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is a common problem that many of us have had to deal with at some point or another in our lives, and it can result in some more serious health problems if it goes unmanaged.

Treating inflammation is one of the many ways to potentially help improve your hearing. Inflammation of the ear can lead to permanent nerve damage if left untreated.

Improves Overall Health
The added benefits of taking this supplement are clear when you look at the ingredient list above. Not only will this work to help your hearing and improve the symptoms of tinnitus, but the ingredients are also beneficial to your overall health.

This supplement is packed full of very useful vitamins, which help you maintain a healthy nervous system and boost your energy. Ingredients like garlic and green tea are also very useful because they help you maintain a strong immune system.

Green tea also has some powerful antioxidant properties, as well as potential benefits to improving your body’s metabolism.

Learn more about the Benefits of Sonus Complete on their Website.

Are There Any Potential Side Effects of Using Sonus Complete?

Because Sonus Complete only contains a mixture of powerful all-natural ingredients, the risk of side effects is much lower than you would find with some of the other treatments for tinnitus available.

However, if you are particularly sensitive, you may experience some side effects or reactions to some of the ingredients on the list. If you’re worried about this, you should carefully go over the ingredient list we provided for you, and then decide whether or not to continue using this product.

If you’re taking prescription medication of any kind, you should be cautious about taking this product. Some of the ingredients listed have been known to interact with certain medications.

The side effects of drug interactions can be very unpleasant or even dangerous. Before taking any new supplement or changing your diet, you should seek the advice of your doctor.

Who Should Refrain from Using Sonus Complete?

Due to the fact that it’s made up of organic and natural ingredients, Sonus Complete is safe to use for the majority of the population.

However, there are certain groups of people who should be careful before they consider using this product:

Anyone Under the Age of Eighteen
While tinnitus is rarer in younger people, it can happen, and it can be very frustrating. Anyone under the age of eighteen who is suffering from tinnitus may be tempted to start taking Sonus Complete to try and treat their tinnitus.

However, it is not recommended that minors take this or any other supplements. If you are under eighteen and suffering from tinnitus, you should seek your doctor’s advice before taking any kind of supplement or medication.

Anyone on Prescription Medication
As we mentioned above briefly, if you’re taking any kind of prescription medication, you should be careful about taking this supplement. Even some natural ingredients, like the ones featured in Sonus Complete, can interact with some prescription medications.

In order to reduce the risk of potentially dangerous drug interactions, you should make sure to never exceed the recommended dosage of Sonus Complete. Always seek out the advice of a doctor before taking new products.

Anyone Who Is Pregnant or Planning on Becoming Pregnant
Despite the fact that these ingredients are all-natural, that doesn’t mean they can’t be harmful to a fetus.

While the dosages of these ingredients should not be high enough to cause side effects in adults, they may cause potentially dangerous side effects to unborn children.

To reduce the risk of such side effects, you should take birth control while using Sonus Complete, and you should immediately stop using it if you do find out that you’re pregnant.

Dosage & Tips to Start Using Sonus Complete

Living with tinnitus can be difficult. We understand that, and we know that you’ll want your treatment for Tinnitus to be as easy and pain-free as possible. That’s one of the big benefits of using Sonus Complete – it’s very easy to use.

Your daily dosage of Sonus Complete comes in the form of a capsule. This makes it easy to take with a glass of water first thing in the morning or before you go to bed.

It won’t be difficult to take this product, and if you have trouble remembering to take any kind of supplement or medication, you can always just set a reminder on your phone!

Where Can You Buy Sonus Complete?

One of the limitations of Sonus Complete is that it’s only available to buy online from the official website. This limitation might seem like an annoying handicap at first, but we assure you that this is actually a blessing in disguise!

Firstly, in the current global situation, buying online is becoming more normalized. Going to the shops to make purchases is actually becoming more of a hassle than online shopping, due to all of the restrictions and limitations put on us to stay safe. Buying online means you won’t face any of those issues.

The other added bonus of only being able to buy Sonus Complete online from their official website is that you don’t run the risk of accidentally buying a fake product.

Now that you know Sonus Complete is only available from one place, if you see it available from any third-party retailers, you’ll know that it isn’t a genuine product and that the ingredients can’t be trusted.

While it might be a bit of an inconvenience to only have this product available from one place, it does make it a little safer to buy.

Click here to Get the Best Deal on Sonus Complete from the Official Website.

Bottom Line: Should You Consider Buying This Product?

Now that we have taken you through everything you need to know, we have reached the final question – would we recommend buying this product to help your tinnitus?

While we know that there aren’t any studies to prove the effectiveness of Sonus Complete, there are a lot of positive reviews from customers just like you who have been suffering from tinnitus.

They have managed to alleviate some of those unpleasant symptoms of tinnitus that we are familiar with from the use of this product.

Given that some of your other options for tinnitus treatment can be potentially risky or expensive, investing in this oral supplement may be a good investment.

Because it’s made from natural ingredients, it carries lower risks than some other treatments, so the benefits of trying it out to see if it works for you far outweigh any negatives.

Click here to Get an Exclusive Discount on Sonus Complete from the Official Site.

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