Nintendo Just Released A New, Free Fitness Game On The Eshop – Forbes

Can’t find Ring Fit Adventure? You’re not alone, nobody can. But while I can’t call this new thing quite a full-body workout, it is a fun little way to get some activity in if you’ve managed at least to procure yourself a Nintendo Switch. Nintendo just released a little free game called Jump Rope Challenge, and its free on the eShop right now. Go get it!

It’s pretty straightforward: basically the game uses the Joy-Cons to figure out the motion of jumping rope, and then you, you know, do that. You can theoretically play by just doing squats of a kind, if you don’t feel like thumping on the floor of your apartment building. You could probably cheat in other ways too, but what would be the point?

If you’ve never jumped rope for excersize before, I’d reccomend it. I used to do it when I did a boxing-style workout, and it’s not only an exhausting, full-body workout, it’s immensely satisfying as well. You can start off with the simple joy of just figuring out how to do the most basic stuff, then you can crossovers, double-unders, jumping on one foot, all that stuff. It is a workout that is not boring, which usually means you can do more of it.

You can’t get the whole thing without the weight of the rope, but one wonders if you could hold a J0y-Con at the same time and make the thing work? Or if someone can rig a Joy-Con inside of the handles of a jump rope? That probably seems like way too much effort. Best to just use the emulation inside of the game already, and jump rope with a real jump rope if you feel like it.

For me, the main benefit here is that there’s really only one place in my house that can support jump roping, but doing it the fake way means I am way less likely to knock a lamp off of a table with the rope. If you like this and want more like it, check out Ring Fit Adventure if the thing ever gets back into stock. Come to think of it, Nintendo probably made this little game as a way of capitalizing on the interest in Switch fitness games while Ring Fit recovers form the surge in demand. Can’t sell out of a digital game!

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