Usually, greying of hair is a sign of ageing. But these days, even children are found to have grey hair. Why is that? Well, there can be an array of reasons behind that including a family history of the condition, failure of effect of antioxidant during melanogenesis, too much stress, exposure to UV light, and use of synthetic hair-care products among others. Deficiency of vitamins B12 and D3 are also linked to greying of hair. To get rid of this problem, you may consult a professional for seeking help. However, if you wish to go natural, here are certain home remedies that can help in this regard. Also Read – Haircare Tips: Solution to Your Frizzy Hair Lies in Your Kitchen


Also known as Indian gooseberry, amla is considered as a tonic when it comes to preventing the greying of hair. According to a study published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, amla can improve hair pigmentation and its growth and strength. To prevent greying of hair, you need to cut amla into small pieces and add them in a glass of water. Then boil it. After that, allow it to cool down. Then apply the mixture on your hair. Also Read – Haircare Tips: How to Use Castor Oil to Get Those Beautiful Tresses?

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil helps retain the protein in the hair and prevent greying. Also, the oil has nourishing properties which is good for your hair. To use this oil for keeping whitening of hair at bay, you directly need to apply 2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil to your scalp and hair. Massage for a few minutes and then leave for around an hour. Then rinse off with a mild shampoo. Also, apply conditioner. Doing this thrice a week will give you the required results. Also Read – Haircare Tips of Curly Hair: 5 Hacks to Help You Maintain Your Perfect Curls

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera, if used with Heena or coffee, can prevent greying of hair. You need to take a cup of aloe vera juice and add Heena or coffee in it. Mix it well and then apply the mixture on your scalp and hair. Leave it at least for an hour. Then rinse off using water. You can use this once a month. But you can use aloe vera juice alone once in a week.