Hair care: 7 Natural remedies and hacks to tame FRIZZY hair at home – PINKVILLA

Considering we have a lot of time on our hands during this quarantine, it’s time to give your frizzy mane the extra love and care. Check out these easy home remedies

Hair care: 7 Natural remedies and hacks to tame FRIZZY hair at home Hair care: 7 Natural remedies and hacks to tame FRIZZY hair at home

Frizzy hair is literally a bane to our existence and it keeps getting annoying as the seasons change. Summers are one of the worst seasons to deal with frizzy hair as the strands keep breaking and there’s only so much you can do in the heat. It is super hard to tame but, as a silver lining here – it is not impossible. 

Now, to understand how to tame that frizz, you need to know what makes it dry and unmanageable. So, just like our skin, our hair needs moisture. Frizzyness is caused by dry hair that tries and compensate for lost moisture through the atmosphere. They try and fill up the moisture through tiny droplets in the air, which is why the rainy season is one of the worst ones for frizzy hair. However, while each strand is trying to soak up the moisture, the cuticles tend to swell up and make the hair look like a bird’s nest (well, mine does look like that). Now, you can temporarily tame your hair by using heat tools, but, let’s be real how long is that going to work? 

So, here we have a few home remedies and even hacks to tame that frizzy mane with ease:


– If you are a hot shower person just like me, make sure you confine that to just the body. Avoid hot water on the hair. It tends to dry up the mane stripping it off its natural oils. Prefer lukewarm or cold water when it comes to hair washing. 

– When you shampoo, just confine it to the scalp. Avoid scrubbing your hair and tips. It does not need cleaning. The leftover from the scalp will clean them up when you wash it off. 

– Avoid scrubbing your hair with a towel while drying it. Just take a soft cloth or a t-shirt and gently press the hair to absorb the excess water. No need to give your hair the hard time by slapping it with the towel or scrubbing it. It opens up the hair cuticle and in turn, makes everything dry and unmanageable. They are your hair, so don’t try to give it a hard time doing all this. 


One remedy that worked for me was oiling. I’ve tried most of them over the years but nothing works wonders like a good ol’ champi. Since my hair was dry from the very beginning, I made it a point to oil it before every wash, even if it is just for an hour. Oiling adds an extra layer to the hair strands that avoids stripping the natural oils present in the cuticle and locks the moisture in. Now, you will see the effects of this remedy over time, but do give it a try!

How to: Take oil of your choice (that you know works for your hair), it could be any – coconut, olive, almond, argan, Moroccan oil. You can apply it as it is or just heat it up a bit until warm.

Pro tip: You can also squeeze in a capsule of Vitamin E to the oil mixture. 


Apply Cider Vinegar helps restore the pH of the hair to make it look shiny by locking the cuticles. All you need to do is add two tablespoons of ACV to a mug and fill the rest with water. After you’re done showering, just run this mixture through your hair. Leave for a few minutes and rinse it with cool water. Let your hair dry naturally. 


Egg is one of the most efficient home remedies for dry hair. Because of its high protein content, it repairs the hair shaft and is considered to be one of the best remedies to get rid of frizz. Almond oil, on the other hand, adds moisture to the hair and the fat molecules in the oil coats the hair shaft to reduce dryness. 

How to: Combine a raw egg with 3 tablespoons of almond oil. Whisk it all together to create a mixture. Section your hair and apply it to the hair shafts. Leave it on for about 45 minutes and rinse it off regularly.

Drop-in your suggestions or queries in the comments section below. 

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