Gyms reopening: From PureGym to Fitness First and The Gym Group, here are the new rules of the big chains – The Sun

On Thursday, July 10, Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden announced that gyms would reopen on July 25, along with indoor swimming pools and the commencing of grassroots sport.

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Workouts will be different when gyms reopen their doors on July 25
Workouts will be different when gyms reopen their doors on July 25

What are the new rules when chain gyms reopen?

Each fitness centre will have slightly different measures in place, so do check what your local gym has planned.

But as a base guide, all gym goers will have their temperatures checked on arrival.

Water fountains will not be in use and will be replaced by hand sanitiser.

People will also be expected to wipe down machines and equipment after use, so it is safe for the next person’s workout.

Chain gyms are allowed to keep changing rooms open, but this is at each fitness centre’s disceretion.

Gym goers are advised to arrive ready in workout clothes, to avoid people gathering in changing rooms.

You may find your gym will ask you to shorten your workout, so that more people can use their facilities.

A graphic showing how the gym will look after lockdown is eased
A graphic showing how the gym will look after lockdown is eased

How will social distancing work when gyms reopen?

Most gyms say they’ll reopen with sneeze screens around some workout equipment, such as treadmills.

Gym classes will also be very different, with limited spaces and new workout boxes to mark out safe distances between people.

Most gyms will have queue markers outside venues, in case you do need to wait to get inside.

Below is a rundown of what you can expect from the big chain gyms such as PureGym and Fitness First when they reopen their doors.

The Gym Group

The Gym Group has an app where those wanting a workout can check to see if their nearest branch is full before they leave their home.

This feature will help reduce queuing outside venues.

Entry will also be by QR code on your phone with a one way entrance and exit in place.

Workouts will be restricted to between 45 minutes and one hour with members asked to arrive in their kit.

Hand sanitiser stations will be dotted around, plus cleaning stations wiping down machines with disinfectant after you’ve finished.

The Gym Group has also invested in new electrostatic cleaning guns to sanitise equipment after use.

Treadmills will either have every other one turned off, or perspex screens between them, with other machines spaced out.

Feelgood Fitness and Wellness Centre

Gyms will use screens, a one-way system and strict no stop and chat rules to keep fitness fanatics safe.

Fitness First

Fitness First will also have enhanced hygiene measures when it reopens its 120 gyms, including PPE for staff members.

Like The Gym Group, it’ll be encouraging members to help clean their machines after use.

They’ll have cleaning stations and hand sanitisers around the gym floor to help you do this.

Partition screens will be used to maintain healthy environemtns around machines and equipment
Partition screens will be used to maintain healthy environemtns around machines and equipment

Equipment has also been spaced out so fitness buffs can keep two metres apart, while some will be turned off completely.

Temperature checks may also be performed upon entry – which will also be contactless – to ensure you’re well enough to workout.


Similarly to The Gym Group, PureGym will space out equipment and turn some machines off to accommodate social distancing.

They’ll also have boxes marked out on their gym floors to show how much space you have to work out.

In addition, there will be even more regular cleaning in place and members will be asked to wipe down their machines with disinfectant after they’ve finished.

PureGym will also limit the number of customers allowed inside at one time, and they’ll have a similar function on their app where you can see how busy your nearest gym is.

Contactless entry will be encouraged when you arrive, as well as the use of hand sanitisers.

PureGym has around 260 sites across the UK.

Some machines will be turned off to maintain social distancing between gym goers as is the case with PureGym
Some machines will be turned off to maintain social distancing between gym goers as is the case with PureGym

David Lloyd

Around 50 clubs have started rolling out new outdoor exercise timetables, with up to 90 classes being offered a week.

Classes on offer will include group exercises, yoga, pilates and bootcamp-style workouts such as HIIT.

There will be a maximum of five gym members plus an instructor allowed per session, and each person will have a designated area to work out in.

David Lloyd has also started opening outdoor tennis courts at 70 sites.

Like The Gym Group, some equipment has been moved apart to allow for social distancing.

Customers are also being asked to arrive in their workout kit if possible.

In addition, David Lloyd has confirmed an increased cleaning routine to keep its gyms safe.

David Lloyd has 115 gym clubs across the country – see more details about the changes you can expect here


When do gyms reopen?

Indoor sports facilities, swimming pools and gyms will be permitted to reopen their doors on July 25.

Speaking at a Downing street press conference on Thursday, July 9, Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden said it was “the news that millions had been waiting for”.

He told the press briefing: “The reopening of gyms is the news millions across the country have been waiting for with many people desperate to jump on a spinning bike or dive into a pool.

“Our comprehensive guidance will ensure gyms, pools and leisure centres have the support they need to reopen safely for their customers and staff.

“Helping people return to gyms safely will also help the nation get match-fit to defeat this virus.”


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