Gymgoers will NOT need to wear masks as gyms and fitness clubs prepare to open for first time since lockdown – The Sun

Gyms have already been given strict instructions on how to protect its visitors from regular deep cleans to a restriction on numbers but facemasks will not be a requirement despite the government guidelines to wear them in ‘enclosed public spaces’.

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Fitness fanatic will NOT be required to wear a facemask when returning the reopening gyms and fitness centres


Fitness fanatic will NOT be required to wear a facemask when returning the reopening gyms and fitness centres Credit: Getty Images – Getty
The Gym Group has invested in electrostatic cleaning guns
The Gym Group has invested in electrostatic cleaning guns

It adds to the growing confusion on where face coverings should now be worn after Boris Johnson announced his new road map for getting Britain ‘back to normal’.

It is already compulsory to wear masks while using public transport and from Friday it will also be the same for shoppers.

But the looser guidelines for gymgoers conflicts with the government’s demand to wear a face-covering while in an ‘enclosed public space’.

The Government also updated guidance last week to say face masks were ‘strongly encouraged’ while in contact with ‘people you do not normally meet’.

But the rule could mean you could be excused from wearing a mask during a gym visit, sitting in the office or while visiting a pub or restaurant.

The industry body representing Britain’s gyms and leisure centres, UKactive, said it spent last week in talks with Ministers to set guidance.

It promised to make sure the fitness industry followed Government measures before the long-awaited reopening but a UKactive spokesperson said that they would not expect face coverings to become mandatory in its facilities, spanning across 7,000 gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools.

World Health Organisation guidelines suggest that masks should not be worn will inside gyms as they may reduce the ability to breathe comfortably.

It also says sweat accumulating on masks may promote the growth of micro-organisms.

Every other treadmill will now be turned off to keep gymgoers apart
Every other treadmill will now be turned off to keep gymgoers apart
Blue squares mark out the areas designated for personal training sessions
Blue squares mark out the areas designated for personal training sessions
WHO guidelines suggest that masks should not be worn while exercising as they make cause breathing difficulties


WHO guidelines suggest that masks should not be worn while exercising as they make cause breathing difficulties Credit: Getty Images – Getty

So instead gyms have been instructed to use strict social distancing guidelines, with members exercising two metres apart, while only allowing one person in 100 square feet of useable space.

Other safety measures include rigorous cleaning schedules throughout the day, using disinfectant certified to kill viruses, and checking employees’ temperature on arrival.

Company PureGym, which has more than 260 sites, said that means a club that normally accommodates 180 to 200 people at peak times will hold nearer 130, including staff.

Virgin Active will open the majority of its 42 UK gyms on Saturday along with David Lloyds centres, but both will not require members to wear face masks.

UKactive said: ‘We note the Government’s decision on face coverings on shops and public transport where it is harder to keep social distancing in place.

‘However, we also support the Government’s consideration that there need to be practical requirements for each sector.

‘As such, when it comes to gyms and leisure centres, the appropriate mitigation measures will be in place to make sure that social distancing remains.

‘Therefore we would not expect face coverings to become mandatory in our facilities.’

The Sun's Levi Winchester and The Gym Group's Barney Harrison show how spacious the workout area is
The Sun’s Levi Winchester and The Gym Group’s Barney Harrison show how spacious the workout area is
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You’ll see queue markers outside The Gym Group venues
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New hand sanitiser stations will be dotted around gym floors
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4 years ago