Blue Cross Dietitians Share Healthy Eating Tips in YouTube Series – News15 | Lafayette, LA – FOX 15

LouisianaNews15 Today

BATON ROUGE – In honor of Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana is sharing tips healthy eating tips with the premiere of a new YouTube playlist.

The videos on this channel feature the registered dietitians who are part of Blue Cross’ in-house clinical team of health coaches, Katherine Langlois and Laura Vidrine. They work with members on nutrition as part of good health. This is particularly important for people who have conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure, which can be greatly affected by what they eat.

The dietitians also get lots of questions about meal planning, nutrients and how to choose healthy foods. On the Healthy Eating playlist, part of the Blue Cross YouTube channel, the dietitians offer short videos to address these and other nutrition topics that people frequently ask them about.

The Healthy Eating playlist is premiering in March, which is National Nutrition Month, and will be updated throughout the year.

Visit the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana YouTube page to see short videos with the members of the in-house clinical team and others on health topics, monthly wellness observances and more. Subscribe to know when new videos are added. You can also connect with Blue Cross on social media for regular updates on health topics.

To learn more about health coaching with Blue Cross dietitians and other clinical team members, including nurses, social workers and pharmacists, members can visit Blue Cross health coaches support members who are dealing with long-term health conditions, serious illnesses or acute injuries. Health coaches offer personalized support, information about their specific health needs and tips to stick to their doctors’ care plans. You do not need to pay anything to work with a health coach.

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