National Nutrition Week 2020: Eating Healthy Just Got Easier- Follow These 4 Tips To Start Today! – NDTV

National Nutrition Week 2020: Eating Healthy Just Got Easier- Follow These 4 Tips To Start Today!

2020 National Nutrition Week: Stick to home-cooked food as far as possible to begin eating healthy


  • Practice portion control in whatever you eat
  • Switch to home-cooked food as far as possible
  • Include sufficient fruits and vegetables in your diet

The National Nutrition Week 2020 is observed across the world from September 1 to September 7. As part of it today, we are going to discuss how to begin with eating healthy. Well, it is no rocket science, but surely needs some level of dedication, motivation and discipline. Before you get on to the path of eating healthy, know that you don’t need to follow any restrictive diets or survive on only salads and raw foods. Eating healthy has to be seen in a more holistic sense.

If celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar is to be believed, eating healthy is nothing but eating according to your locality, culture, tradition and season. Practice portion control and stick to homemade meals as much as possible if you want to follow a healthy lifestyle in the long-run.

Also read: National Nutrition Week 2020: Here’s What Really Causes Constipation- Learn How To Ease It With Food

The art of eating healthy is all about maintaining balance. You can eat all of your favourite foods, as far as you practice moderation. Here are some tips that can help you start eating healthy:

1. Eat local, seasonal and traditional

If you want to begin eating healthy, know that you should eat foods that are local to your region, are in season, and is being consumed in your families for traditions. Eating local, seasonal and traditional foods can ensure diversity in your diet and make sure you get optimum nutrition.

2. Practice portion control

You can consume all of your favourite foods even when you have begun eating healthy. The key is to practice portion control at all times. According to Diwekar’s mental meal map, you must visualise how much you want to eat a time, then consume half of that amount of food, and take the double the time to eat. Then, if you feel hungry, visualise again how much you want to eat and eat half the amount of it, and so on. The mental meal map can be an effective way to practice moderation while eating.

Nutritionist Ishi Khosla, on the other hand, says that you must eat till you’re 80% full. Doing so can prevent overeating as well.


Practice portion control if you want to start eating healthy
Photo Credit: iStock

Also read: Mindful Eating Tips: How Practicing Portion Control And Using Smaller Plates Can Help

3. Avoid everything that comes in a packet

Stick to home-cooked food as far as possible. Foods that are processed or packaged are likely to contain added sugar and preservatives that can harm your health in several ways. Whenever you crave comfort food like pizza, pasta or a burger, make them at home. The same goes for desserts as well. Homemade comfort food can satisfy your cravings without harming your health.

4. Consume lots of fresh fruits and vegetables

Make the most of seasonal fruits and vegetables by eating them on a daily basis. Eating sufficient fruits and vegetables ensure that you get optimum fibre and nutrition from your food. Lentils, legumes, nuts, seeds and healthy sources of fat like ghee, avocado, coconut oil, olive oil and mustard oil must also be a part of your diet.

Along with these three tips, it is also of crucial importance that you lead a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly, being physically active and not smoking or drinking alcohol.

Also read: Monsoon Diet For Hypertension: Know What To Eat And Avoid For Healthy Blood Pressure

(Rujuta Diwekar is a nutritionist based in Mumbai)

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.


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