Keto Diet VS Paleo Diet: Which one is a healthier option? – PINKVILLA

Keto and Paleo diet are two of the most popular diets in the world. Read on to know the differences and benefits of these diets.

Keto Diet,Health & Fitness,Paleo diet,healthy dietKeto Diet VS Paleo Diet: Which one is a healthier option?

To maintain a healthy weight and keep health diseases at bay, we often resort to diets. There is no shortage of diets out there and it is difficult to keep track. While eating a healthy diet is an essential part of being fit, but you should be careful with what kind of diet you should incorporate in your life. Keto diet and Paleo diet are two of the most popular diets today. 

Many people follow these diets to lose weight and improve overall health. But how healthy are they? They might seem similar but they are extremely different. The main difference is that the calories in paleo come from proteins, whereas in Keto, they come from fat. Today, we look at how the two diets are different from each other. 

What is Keto Diet? 

Ketogenic or Keto diet is one of the most popular diets among those trying to lose weight. Keto diet is about eating healthy fats, protein and minimal carbohydrates. The body uses carbohydrates as a fuel for energy and when it doesn’t get enough carbs, it starts using up the fat for energy. This is the purpose of the keto diet. 

What is Paleo Diet?

Paleo Diet is based on the idea of what our ancestors would have consumed in the Paleolithic age. It focuses on the elimination of foods that requires a lot of farming like legumes, grains, dairy products and processed sugar. Basically, a strong emphasis on meat, fruits and vegetables rich in protein and fibre. 

The Differences 

1. While following the paleo diet, you need to indulge in some exercise and mindfulness. Keto, on the other hand, doesn’t require lifestyle changes other than including carbs, protein and fat in your diet. 

2. Paleo does not eliminate foods in carbs, while keto does. Paleo allows for whole-food sources of carbs, given it falls within the parameters of the diet. Keto, on the contrary, restricts all sources of carbohydrates. 

3. With paleo, you are not allowed to eat any dairy products or soy. However, keto encourages eating high-fat dairy foods and soy. 

4. A paleo diet might include grilled chicken, vegetables, avocado or some form of carbs. Keto, on the other hand, limits all carbs and allow you to eat less number of fruits and vegetables. Basically, there is more flexibility of food choices with paleo diet. 

5. Paleo diet is rich in protein and fibre but lacking in calcium, and vitamin D. Keto is extremely low in carbs, which often leads to Keto flu, which causes nausea, fatigue and muscle cramping. Each diet has certain side effects. 

6. When it comes to weight loss, keto diet is designed to help you to lose weight. But the results may not last long. Wherss.eas, there is not enough evidence that paleo helps with weight loss. 

Which one is healthier? 

Paleo and keto diets, both are healthy depending on how they are incorporated. However, the paleo diet is easier to follow than the keto diet as you have more food options with the former. Paleo also encourages exercise and mindfulness, which makes it more of a lifestyle than a diet. 

However, research is still going on regarding the safety and effectiveness of these diets.

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