Formative Fitness Connects With Community Through Virtual Workouts – 9&10 News

It’s been a challenge to stick with an exercise routine, let alone start one over the last several weeks. Plus, with gyms closed, Img 2370most people have had to find new ways to stay in shape during the pandemic.

That’s why Formative Fitness in Traverse City, which specializes in personal training, is finding a silver lining despite their studio

being closed. Their founder and personal trainer, Sebastian Garbsch has been continuing to work with clients through Zoom or Facetime. He says it’s a way to help people realize the health benefits of physical activity, and creates a personalized routine.

For Garbsch, his own life experiences have transformed the reasons why he focuses on exercise and wants to help others realize the long-term benefits. His father died from a heart attack when Garbsch was growing up and it sparked a passion within himself to start exercising on a regular basis and ultimately help others do the same.

With the Zoom and Facetime workouts, Garbsch and other trainers with Formative Fitness have been able to connect with people beyond northern Michigan and say it’s actually more of a benefit in the long run. They’re looking forward to being able to work one-on-one with people in the studio but until then, the virtual workouts provide another connection for health and wellness.

For details about the virtual workouts, connecting with one of the personal trainers, and general information about Formative Fitness in Traverse City you can check out their website here.

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