Lockdown fitness: How to work out using household objects – Metro.co.uk

lockdown fitness
Anything can be your gym equipment (Picture: Tally Rye/Metro.co.uk)

Personal trainer and author Tally Rye is back with a new workout to help you stay active during lockdown.

This week, Tally has created a clever home workout that utilises objects you can find around your house. Work every muscle group with these simple, creative moves.

‘Finding workout equipment for your home is tough right now as demand is high and supplies are low,’ says Tally. ‘There’s also the question of whether it’s worth investing in equipment now, when you may not use it much in the future as well as finding places to store all this stuff.

‘Well, taking all this into consideration I’ve come up with some ideas of how you can use things you have at home already in lieu of gym equipment and ideas on how to use them.’

Household object home workout



Swap your bench or box for a chair

Tally Rye
Chairs aren’t just for sitting on (Picture: Tally Rye)

I shared some workout ideas a few weeks ago on how to use a chair for your workout, but just to recap, here are two of my favourite exercises:

A) X Mountain climber  – Start in a plank position with your hands on the edge of your chair, bring your right knee towards your left elbow and then the left knee towards the right elbow.

Aim to do 20 reps per set. 

B) Bulgarian split squat – A split lunge with the back foot raised onto the chair. Make sure you have enough room to bend both the to 90 degrees as you lunge.

Aim to complete 10 on each leg per set.

Swap sliders for a towel

Tally workout
Get fit and dust your floor in the process (Picture: Tally Rye)

Sliders are a great way to add resistance as well as challenge stability and movement without using weights.

Use an old towel on a wooden floor for the same effect with the added bonus of giving it an extra clean too.

A) Plank thrusters – Start in a high plank position with your toes on the towel. Bring your knees to your chest whilst your feet slide on the floor, then slide them back out to a high plank.

Aim to do 10 reps per set. 

B) Hamstring curls – Lie on your back with your heels close to your glutes on the towel.

Push up through your heels into a glute bridge, from there slide your legs out whilst keeping the knees slightly bent, before sliding them back in to the starting position.



Aim to do 8-10 reps per set.

Swap your kettlebell for a paint can

Tally workout
Not got around to doing that DIY yet? This is the next best thing (Picture: Tally Rye)

Disclaimer: Please check the can is sealed before use, I recommend taping it up for extra precaution.

The can can be use with the handle as well as in a goblet position, making it a versatile piece of equipment.

A) Deadlift to upright row – Start with your feet in a wide stance, and the Paint can in the middle.

Squat down, sending the hips back to hold the handle.

Push through your heels to stand up, once the paint can meets your hips, lead with the your elbows and ‘upright row’ the paint can to your collar bones as if you’re zipping up your top.

Slowly lower the arms down before, the squat putting the paint can back on the floor.

Aim to do 10-12 reps per set.

B) Goblet lateral lunge – Hold the paint can in line with your chest. Step out with your right leg, into a lunge, aiming to keep your chest up.

Push through your right heel to go back to the starting position, before lunging on the left side.

Aim to do 16-20 alternating lunges per set (8-10 each leg).

Swap your sand bell for a book

Tally workout
Finally, a use for your old university text books (Picture: Tally Rye)

Ideally use the heaviest coffee table type book to use for core work and upper body movements.


A) Russian twist – Sit in a V position, with your feet off the floor and slightly leaning back.

Holding the book twist to your right side, follow the book with your eyes. Tap the floor gently with the book, then twist to the left.

Aim to do 16-20 twists per set. 

B) Reverse lunge with an overhead press – Start with your feet together and the book in your hands at chest height.

Step back with your right leg, bending both legs to 90 degrees. Simultaneously, press the book overhead.

As you come back to two feet, bring the book to the chest and repeat on the left hand side.

Aim to do 10-12 reps per set.

Swap your weighted vest for a backpack

Tally workout
Fill that bag with something heavy (Picture: Tally Rye)

Pack your bag with heavy items around the house such as cans and bottles.

Each week you can try adding something extra to the bag to increase the load.

Make sure the backpack is on nice and tight to the body so it doesn’t move around too much.

A) Squats – Start standing with your feet slightly wider than hip width.

Release the hips and sit back in your heels as you bend legs to 90 degrees or more.


Aim to keep a flat back and as upright as you can. Push through your heels, squeeze your glutes and stand up.

Aim to do 12 reps per set. 

B) Walking lunges – Step forward with your right leg, tilting the upper body slightly forward over the front leg.

Push through the right heel to stand, bringing your left leg through and lunging on the left side.

Aim to do 16-20 walking lunges per set.

MORE: All the best leggings to wear while WFH and working out

MORE: Clever workout shows you how to build strength using a towel

MORE: Lockdown Fitness: Try this energising home workout to wake your muscles up



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