How to train with resistance bands at home – Netdoctor

Versatile, easy to use and inexpensive, resistance bands are a dependable bit of home fitness kit. Whether you want to add some oomph to a bodyweight exercise or make a difficult move more accessible, resistance bands have you covered.

Certified personal trainer Autumn Calabrese – creator of online strength training programme 21 Day Fix – explains how to make this unassuming rubber band a staple part of your home workout routine, from warm-up to recovery:

Resistance band types

First things first, what is a resistance band? Well, exactly that: a band used for resistance training. This elasticated bit of kit comes in a variety of different sizes, lengths, strengths and colours. Darker shades usually, but not always, indicate a harder resistance. Generally speaking, there are three main styles to be aware of:

Loop bands

This is the smallest type of resistance band, and it makes a complete circle. ‘Because it’s small, you can use this around the ankles or thighs to train your lower body,’ explains Calabrese. ‘You can also use it for upper-body work by holding it in your hands and pulling or pressing, or to work your core by putting it around your feet and doing different plank exercises.’

Resistance bands with handles

This style is the most common – it has handles at either end and features much longer tubing. ‘These are great for upper body work,’ says Calabrese. ‘You can hold the handles and stand on the band to work your biceps, back or shoulders. You can also use a door attachment to allow for more variety with pushing and pulling moves as well as abs, legs and cardio moves.’

Pull up assistance bands

Pull up assistance bands also make a complete circle but they are much bigger in size and have a stronger resistance than loop bands, Calabrese explains. While these bands are often used in conjunction with a pull-up bar, they’re far more versatile than the name suggests. For example, you can stand on the bottom half of the band and shoulder press the top half. Or, you could squat with the band wrapped under your feet and around the back of your shoulders.

Choosing the right band for you

The most important thing to consider when choosing a resistance band is how you want to use them and what workout you are going to follow, says Calabrese. ‘Just like any other time you use a new piece of fitness equipment, make sure you understand how it works and start lighter to make sure you are using proper form.’

If you’re finding an exercise too easy, progress to a stronger band, making sure to maintain proper form throughout the entire duration of the exercise. ‘You should feel fatigued by the last three to four reps,’ she says.

Similarly do not use a band that is too tough for you to start with as you may incur injury and feel deflated enough to give up.

It’s important to assess each exercise individually, too. ‘Bigger muscle groups usually require a stronger band than smaller muscles,’ Calabrese says. ‘For example, you would usually use a stronger band for a seated row than you would use for a biceps curl.’

Resistance band benefits

No matter whether your goals are strength or endurance-based, your workout stands to benefit from the introduction of a resistance band.


Resistance bands offer a simple, effective way to work your entire body with minimal equipment. Unlike other pieces of gym equipment they’re compact, making them ideal for travel.

Multiple uses

You can use resistance bands to activate your muscles – your glutes at the beginning of a lower body workout, for example – ‘to make sure they’re engaged and firing properly’, says Calabrese. Once you’re warm, you can get creative.

‘Another benefit of resistance bands is that you can use them to focus on proper form before adding a load to your workout – with dumbbells or other weights,’ she continues. ‘You can also up the intensity of a weighted move by adding a resistance band or loop to it.’

You can also use a resistance band to boost your flexibility and mobility during the cool-down stage of your workout.

resistance band

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You don’t need to change up your usual routine or learn any fancy new exercises; resistance bands can be added to most bodyweight movements for an extra challenge.

Alternatively, they can be used to make more advanced moves more accessible as you build your strength up. For example, you could attach a resistance band to a pull-up bar and perform an assisted pull-up by placing your knee or foot in the loop.

Protect your bones and joints

While resistance bands work your muscles in the same way dumbbells, barbells and other free weights do, they don’t rely on gravity to provide the resistance.

Not only does this mean resistance bands are easier on your bones and joints – helping to keep you injury-free – but they also allow for a wider range of motion.


When you use a resistance band to work out, your muscles have to engage to fight the tension. This means they’re working against resistance throughout the entire range of a given exercise – i.e. pretty much constantly – even when you’re in the starting position.

Key resistance band exercises

There are many different resistance band exercises that you can perform to work the entire body, says Calabrese. The four below are best suited to resistance bands with handles and assisted pull-up bands.

Before you start exploring them, be sure you always check your resistance bands for tears before using them. ‘If there’s even a little tear, it’s best to replace the band with a new one to avoid it snapping and potentially causing injury,’ she says.

Resistance band front squat

Stand on the resistance band with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and bring the top of the band up to rest on the front of your shoulders. Push your hips back as you lower into a squat, keeping your chest up and your knees over your toes. Then return to the starting position.

Resistance band thruster

Stand on the resistance band with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Grab each handle and bring your hands to shoulder height. Push your hips back as you lower into a squat, and as you press through your heels to stand up, raise your arms overhead until they are extended fully, keeping your core tight throughout. Then slowly lower your hands back to your shoulders.

Resistance band bent-over row

Stand on the resistance band with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Grab each handle with your hands by your sides and hinge forward at the hips, taking care to keep your back flat. Bend your elbows, pulling the band toward your chest while keeping your elbows as close to your body as possible. Then slowly straighten your arms and lower your hands back to the starting position.

Resistance band chest press

Lay on the floor with the resistance band underneath your shoulders. Grab a handle in either hand, keeping your upper arms in contact with the floor. Extend both arms until they’re straight, pulling the band up with them. Lower them back to starting position and repeat.

Whatever your choice of home exercise, pay attention to the instructions when reading or watching an exercise routine, especially to positioning and posture while trying something new. Be mindful of any old injuries and make sure you warm up appropriately and do sensible stretching afterwards to reduce problems and improve results. Make sure you keep your core strong and your position stable as instructed so that you limit the chance of injury. The luxury of exercising at home is that you can do your routine as and when you wish and can see your strength and ability improve over time which will most likely spur you on to do more!

Last updated: 16-04-2020

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