These male weight loss heroes prove that Slimming World isn’t just for women – Cornwall Live

Weight loss groups are no longer occupied solely by women – over the past few years men have also been discovering the slimming secrets to success.

In fact, three men in Cornwall have spoken out to urge others to head along to their local Slimming World meeting.

Paul Mills said he was pushed to make changes to his life after a family holiday and has lost 8s 10lbs so far.

He said: “The final straw was a family holiday and generally feeling very unhealthy. Capped off by young nephew pointing out my big belly. We made a decision to join Slimming World when we got back.

“We find food optimising very easy with no real problems. My favourite meal is miso baked salmon with sweet potato wedges and steamed vegetables.

“We are much more active and swim regularly as well as use the exercise bike; our level of fitness has improved and we both feel much better. I can fit in clothes I have not worn for a long time  and the best bonus so far was not having to use the extender belt on a plane.

“My family and friends’ reaction has been a massive boost and this has all been achieved with the fantastic support given by members in my group and my consultant Hayley.”

Paul has lost nearly nine stone

Ian (pictured above) is also celebrating his success and got off to a great start – with a loss of 4.5lbs in week one.

He said: “I had previously tried to lose weight with Slimming World online, but lost focus and started to struggle. Members from Chrissy’s Monday group in Truro encouraged me to give the group a try.

“I went along with a family member and got off to a flying start, losing 4.5lbs in my first week. Making the subtle changes to how I shop, cook and eat has been easy to do. Free food is fantastic, there is so much you can enjoy, including curry and steak with all the trimmings.”

Ian continued: “The changes that I have incorporated with food and activity have attracted lots of positive comments from my friends and family and this has really spurred me on.

“In group, the fun, learning, motivation and support from fellow members and consultant Chrissy has helped me to reach my target weight, having lost three stone in three months. I have really enjoyed it too.

“I feel really positive and chuffed that I have some great awards under my belt, which itself has moved a few notches. Hopefully others might be inspired by my journey and take steps to do the same, they won’t regret it.”

Brian, who attends a group in Portreath, said: “I was told that as time goes on, I could end up in a wheelchair, or would need two new knees.

Brian said: ‘Secret is to not beat yourself up along the way and have fun.’

“The option was to lose weight, get fit and put off the operation for as long as possible.

“Secret is to not beat yourself up along the way and have fun… Yes group is fun.”

Buy Slimming World meals at Iceland

Iceland do a range of Slimming World foods and is currently offering a free six pack of Muller Light yoghurts (worth £3) with three selected meals or meats.

They do meals, meats, vegetarian, chips, sauces and soups.

The range includes jackfruit chilli, sausage pasta, meatballs, diet Cola chicken, quarter pounders, vegan cottage pie,  ginger chicken noodles and lasagne.

Louise, who runs groups in Indian Queens and St Columb, said: “With the rise of trendy fad diets, people are often seduced by the promise of fast weight losses and take quick-fix routes to lose weight.

“However, these methods of weight loss aren’t sustainable – after all, who wants to feel hungry all the time or give up their favourite foods indefinitely? Especially when that so often means that by February New Year’s resolutions are a distant memory.

Brian joined a group in Portreath

“The fact is, there’s no magic pill when it comes to weight loss and the best weight-loss plan is the one you can stick to.

“Our members lose weight by making small changes to the way they shop, cook and eat and filling up on free food – foods that are low in calories but satisfying like pasta, lean meat, fruit, veg, potatoes and more – so they don’t have to go hungry or give up their favourite meals.

“We encourage members to gradually become more active and we provide great support along the way.

“Members develop healthy habits that they can keep up for life, so they can not only reach their target weight but stay there forever.”

Here are Louise’s top tips:

1. Make small and simple swaps

It is a huge misconception to think that you have to make dramatic changes and survive on lettuce leaves and carrot sticks in order to lose weight.

Members are encouraged to make small and simple swaps like switching from oil to low-calorie cooking spray and full-fat butter to low-fat spread, and swapping white bread for wholemeal bread.

2. Plan, plan, plan

Losing weight is much easier when you get in the habit of planning your meals for the week.

Pick meals that you know you’ll enjoy, try new dishes to keep things interesting and make a shopping list – it’s hard to enjoy healthy meals if you don’t have the foods you need to make them in your kitchen.

3. Get support

When you’re losing weight, the importance of having a strong support system around you is absolutely vital. Our groups are fun and informative, and members never feel alone on their journey.

Everyone is in the same boat – your fellow members will have lots of tips, recipes and ideas to share; they will celebrate with you when you’re doing well and pick you up if you ever have a difficult week.

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4. Get active

But there’s no need to run before you can walk. If the thought of exercise makes you sweat, don’t let your fears steer you away from getting active – after all, exercise isn’t just about Lycra and aerobic classes.

We encourage our members to make simple swaps – from taking the lift and using the car for short journeys to taking the stairs and walking to the shops.

Increase your activity levels gradually until you reach the recommended level of 30 minutes five times a week.

5. Track your progress

Having a visual reminder of your long-term goal is a great way to help you stay on track with your weight-loss journey.

Not only is it a great way to see the amazing progress you’re making, it’s a good way to keep yourself inspired and committed. Members often recommend using measurement charts and progress pictures to keep motivated – not only will they remind you why you’re losing weight, they’re fun too.

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