THESE home remedies can help you to get rid of flaky skin – PINKVILLA

Flaky skin is a common problem but covering it up is never a good idea instead, you should treat it with some simple natural remedies; Read on

THESE home remedies can help you to get rid of flaky skin THESE home remedies can help you to get rid of flaky skin

We all know about dead skin and how important it is to remove our dead skin but sometimes when the upper layer of our skin gets damaged it starts peeling and becomes flaky. Many of us have this problem during the winter season. Our skin becomes flaky when our skin’s natural oil dries up and causes our skin to get dehydrated and damaged. This is when the upper layer of our skin begins to peel and come off. It is very important to treat flaky skin and get rid of it instead of covering it up with makeup or just moisturising your skin.

You should start by consulting a doctor. It’s very important to understand the underlying cause of flaky skin because it can also happen due to many other reasons like ringworm, psoriasis, eczema, and other such skin problems. This is why it’s essential to first consult a doctor and get a proper diagnosis and if it happens to be a regular flaky skin, you can treat it with simple home remedies instead of using any chemical-based products or medications but only after you check with your doctor. Here are some home remedies to treat flaky skin on your face. 

1. Honey

Take a spoonful of honey and apply a thin layer all over the affected area and let it dry before you wash it off. Honey is known to soothe your skin and hydrate and moisturise it as well. Do this 2 to 3 times a day. 


2. Aloe Vera 

Aloe vera has healing and soothing properties. Take some fresh aloe vera gel and mix it with some olive oil and apply it on the affected area. Do this at least twice a day. 

3. Coconut Oil

This regular oil is known for it’s hydrating and nourishing properties and can help treat flaky skin. Take some warm coconut oil and apply it all over your face and do this 2 to 3 time a day. 

4. Turmeric

Turmeric has been used for it’s medicinal and beauty benefits for years. Mix one spoon of turmeric powder with one spoon of curd and apply it all over the face. Let it dry and then wash with water and moisturise your face. Do this once in ever 2 days. 

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is known to balance the pH levels of our skin due to the acetic acid and this makes it a potent remedy for this problem. Mix one spoon of apple cider vinegar with 10 spoons of water and use a cotton pad to apply it all over your face. Wash it off after 20 minutes. Do this once a day.

6. Jojoba Oil

Take some jojoba oil and apply a thin layer on your face. It has anti-inflammatory properties and can moisturise and nourish your skin and treat peeling and flaky skin. Do this at least twice a day. 

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