7 Ways To Stay Mentally Healthy During Quarantine – Forbes

Maintaining good mental health during the pandemic is key. As we remain sequestered at home with limitations on travel, as well as going into the office; and interacting in person with friends- keeping yourself “sane” and healthy during this time could prove challenging. There are many ways to push yourself to remain positive, including online therapy; eating healthy; setting daily or weekly goals; and limiting news intake.

Here are 7 tips to alleviate quarantine anxiety by Dr. Michele Reid and Cara Johnson, mental health experts from CNS Healthcare based in Novi, Michigan:

1.    Be grateful and focus on the positive

“This is a very difficult time to be a person- anyone else feel like swapping places with their pet for a few weeks,?” asks Reid and Johnson. “Stressors are everywhere and it’s impossible to partake in many of our favorite leisure activities. However, here are amazing things happening! Look for something positive to be grateful for everyday- bonus points for writing it down! This could be seeing the community come together to support each other, spending more time with family, or even an ode to your favorite sweatpants.”

2.    Stick to a routine

“It’s fun to stay up too late, wake up just before your 9am zoom meeting and lose all sense of time, but only for a few days,” says Reid and Johnson. “Your body is used to functioning on a routine and will give you the best results when you stick to consistent times of waking, eating, and sleeping. Try adding a quick daily walk after lunch or breakfast, too. Consistency is key!”

3.    Examine your eating habits

“Now that we are cooking ALL THE MEALS at home, shake things up occasionally,” urges Reid and Johnson. “Try cooking something new and making one or two healthy swaps per week. Cooking is also a great way to spend time with family. Prep, eat, and clean together.”

4.    Set and achieve a small goal

“Do you want to learn a new skill?” asks Reid and Johnson. “Finally clean out your garage? Pick one thing- big or small- and set a time frame to accomplish it. Setting and achieving a goal will give you a sense of purpose and productivity, not to mention how much it will improve your blood pressure to see the snack cabinet clean and organized for once.”

5.    Make a point to reach out

Communication- from video chatting to snail mail- is your friend. “Think beyond grandma and grandpa,” too, says Reid and Johnson. “Call your cousin in California and send a care package to your niece in Chicago.  Planning a virtual party will give you something to look forward to and connecting with people will help you get our of your head and handle stress (*cough* vent about your spouse).”

6.    Create a real disaster plan

Okay, this one is not the most fun. “Having a concrete plan for both work and home will help manage your anxiety because you have considered and prepared for the worst,” recommends Reid and Johnson. “Plus, who doesn’t want an excuse to have an emergency snack bag stocked with items that your kids don’t know about?”

7.    Limit your news intake

“We could easily watch or listen to ‘breaking pandemic news’ 24/7,” says Reid and Johnson. “Thank you cable news! Though it’s tempting, tracking cases and deaths and tuning in for every politician’s news conference is going to harm your mental health. Stick to a few trusted sources a few times per day. If the item coming up after the commercial is truly ‘breaking’, you will hear about it later anyway.”

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